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Let's change the glasses

24 October 2024 - 09:21

“The time has come for courageous, comprehensive and noble proposals (…) for Euskal Herria to re-enter the world’s revolts,” said friend Hartu López Arana in her opinion article “For an effective aggression” published in ARGIA magazine in July 2018. Six years have passed since then and we wonder: Has the Basque Country been back in the turmoil of the world? And, on the other hand, what is the uprising of the world?

The world is in the midst of the greatest crisis in recent years, as a result of the destructive policies carried out by those responsible for capitalism who participate directly or indirectly in the “World Economic Forum” that meets in Davos, Switzerland. In fact, when the major media under their control report on the state of the world, it seems that they refer to time, as if what is happening to the world is natural, hiding or continuously bleaching their concern.

What has been seen in Davos' meetings is that the integral model that capitalism has forcibly imposed on the world in recent decades is exhausted, even for them. So far, capitalism has no future and the crazy paths of dreaming that opened the fall of the Berlin Wall have also reached its peak. The thesis and source of the accumulation of benefits without borders have dried up and, as a result, the world is changing radically amid millions of workers, women, young people, migrants, peoples, stateless nations and the suicidal resistance and exploitation of nature. That is where the current situation in the world stands. The tragedy we live in is proportionate to the seriousness of the global crisis, and the answer we have to give must be exactly the same if we want to continue living: the uplifting of the world.

The problem is for all the people who have an anti-capitalist and anti-colonialist vision of the world and, if we really face the capital project, we are seeing what the answer is: all forms of war or the general process of assimilation.

The Lebanese journalist, left-wing anthropologist and militant Leila Ghanem, in her speech “The situation in the Middle East” (The situation in the Middle East), delivered in Madrid following the bombing of Lebanon and the murder of Hassan Nasrallah, clearly stated that what she is doing against Palestine is not a changing bloc, but a view of the world. And the same can be said of other peoples living the war around the world, albeit with different characteristics, such as Lebanon, Syria, Iran and Yemen, but also Venezuela or Cuba. What is happening in Ukraine or the strengthening of the BRICS is nothing more than a reflection of that clash. In order to deal with this global attack, we must contextualize the new uplifting of the world that is consolidating on the planet, as we have seen in the Sri Lankan elections. But to see this rise in the world, we can't help but throw away the glasses that the Western Bloc has put on us and learn to look at the world with our glasses.

It is therefore the new plans of capitalism for the world that are at stake. That's why they want to put an end to the main hotbeds of resistance that can give the biggest battle and be a model alternative. The problem, therefore, is one of all of us who have an anti-capitalist and anti-colonialist vision of the world and, if we really face the project of capital, we are seeing what the answer we are going to receive is: all forms of war or the general process of assimilation.

If this is the global context, Euskal Herria must join in the new uplifting of the world that is consolidating across the planet. But that requires reversing the conventional policy that has been strengthened and expanded in our country in recent years. We will not seduce the enemy, we will not convince him, there is no third way. In view of the progressive process of assimilation that we are experiencing, we must turn the popular strategies of civil disobedience and social movement into axes, strengthen the popular power, and articulate the Basque anti-capitalist space. It will be hard, but it is harder to see every day how we are disappearing through the assimilation process that is developing.

Let us prepare, let us take off the glasses that have been put on us, let us put on our own, and then we will realize how different reality is when we look at the glasses of oppressing or oppressing ... If we do not do so, they will always lead us in the wrong way, although we often do not realize it. In the face of the assimilation process that we are experiencing, therefore, we work both the resistance and the possibilities of developing alternative models. As long as we stand, we will be able to do so, then it will be too late. Let us reintroduce Euskal Herria into the uprising of the world.

Joseba Alvarez

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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