In the tunnel between Zizurkil and Andoain, when leaving the concrete manufacturing truck, the vehicle has moved and been trapped against another truck, one of the hypotheses is that it left the hand brake without administering it.
Abdel, a 30-year-old Moroccan, was known among crane workers, who worked for the subcontract Comercial Urratz in the works of the TAV in a company located next to Logroño, in Tecnolevers and Mobile Cranes SL, registered in Álava.
The construction of the Zizurkil section was awarded in 2012 to the company association formed by Amenabar, Comsa, Isolux-Corsan and Dragados for €180 million and is one of the longest and most expensive of the Y Vasca, with a delay of at least two years.
According to workers' sources, in the last few days they were being horrified at a dizzying rate within the tunnel, at 4,500 metres deep. ALS members have come to the site and have explained that at the time of death four concrete trucks were working in the same place.
It is the second worker who died in the works of the TAV in a few days. On September 23, another 46-year-old died in the works of the section of Amorebieta-Etxano, after feeling unwilling and suffering various contusions. According to those responsible for the work, it was a "natural death", but, on the contrary, his colleagues believe that he could have died from the heat wave. Hierros Sancho worked for the subcontractor, performing one of the heaviest works of the work: twisting and placing rods or irons for the molding.
In the long list, bad conditions prevail.
There are already nine people who have officially died in recent years in the works of the TAV and hundreds injured, some of them seriously. Most of them are subcontracted and foreign. Thus, it is not the first time that a worker dies in an accident with his truck: In 2011, a driver died in Tolosa when he did not hand the brake. This is a 47-year-old Portuguese who had been working for 12 hours and who was naked.
In the book Zuloan we bring to light the labor exploitation of the works of the TAV, supported by the ELA union. In a system affected by the pressure of the contractors, the workers are in very poor working conditions, with endless hours and without holiday hours, which results in considerable insecurity.
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