The journalist is murdered in the city of Chilpancingo de los Bravo, capital of the state of Guerrero. It is the fifteenth journalist that has been executed this year and the nineteenth of those who worked in a media outlet. Freddy Román was the director of a local weekly with 30 years of experience in the media world. Two aggressors were shooting a motorcycle while he was driving out of his house and killing it.
The Attorney General’s Office of the State of Guerrero has initiated an investigation to find the aggressors, on Facebook state: “The Prosecutor’s Office is carrying out investigative and follow-up work to clarify the facts so that the law may be applicable to those responsible for various crimes.”
Hours before he was killed, he posted his last column on Facebook: State crime without blaming the boss. It critically analysed the report prepared by the Commission seeking the Truth of the Ayotzinapa Suit. The Ayotzinapa massacre occurred in 2014 and 43 pupils were kidnapped, tortured and killed.
Freddy Román Román, journalist of the Chilpancin whose execution will be reported, weekly baten zuzendaria, Guerrero egon eta Inforibilaia zabala.
Kolokariak, eta justizia -agintari eskatzen dugu.
— Journalists Displaced Mexico (@PDsplazadosMX) August 22, 2022
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