Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Two other people arrested for incidents in Bilbao before the Copa Final

  • On April 3, hours before the final between Athletic and Real Sociedad, football fans concentrated on Poza Street creating "agglomerations and incidents". For this reason, a total of four persons have been arrested as alleged perpetrators of the events that day.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

14 April 2021 - 08:37
(Argazkia: Sare Antifaxista)

Last Thursday and Friday two young people were arrested and brought to justice. Two other people were identified and arrested yesterday.

The investigation is still open and further arrests are not ruled out.

You are interested in the channel: Athletic
Gabarra, tabar... and women what?

It's been a few weeks since the red-white collective madness and, yes, I know, besides not being last minute, many of us are fed up with it. Today I have the date of writing this article and I am from the tobacco world wanting to write, scream, vomit (that or explode!) What about... [+]

2024-04-24 | Juan Aldaz Arregi
Athletic white and red, you're the boss, but what?
Sociological reflection on the (im)mobilizing capacity of male professional football (article published by the journal Campus of the UPV/EHU)

Red pride promotion lever of the Basque Country

At the end of the Saturday Cup in Seville, we came to discuss two basic elements of our lives: Athletic and Euskera. Someone might think that the Basque country does not need elite football to merge with the circus around it or that football and politics should not be confused... [+]

Athletic Club fans report another chapter of repression

Prior to the match of Athletic Club against Barcelona on March 12, 2023, we had several Athletic fans explored, identified, threatened, insulted and persecuted. Little, and Athletic's partner cards were stolen from Ertzaintza.

Once these explorations and identifications were... [+]

2023-01-27 | Gedar
Fines of 3,000 euros under a flag of Donetsk displayed in San Mamés
In October last year, a person was expelled from the football camp in Bilbao for carrying the flag of Donetsk, leaving San Mamés in solidarity. Some have now been informed that fines of EUR 3,000 have been imposed on them and the ban on access to sports venues for one year.

Insults against Basques, Nazi symbols and reference to Intxaurrondo's torture in Ukrainian missiles
On the weekend some Athletic supporters denounced the withdrawal of the flag of the Republic of Donetsk by the Ertzaintza. In the light of this news, the agents have made numerous statements, including the Mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto, who has stated that "showing a flag for... [+]

Ana Urkijo: «Ilusioagatik nago Athleticen zuzendaritzan»
Bilboko Athletic Club futbol taldeko zuzendaritzako kide da Ana Urkijo. Lehendakariorde kargua du bertan eta Fernando Lamikizen ordezkotza bete behar izaten du hainbestetan. Palkoan jarri behar izaten du eta horixe du koxka: ezin berak nahiko lukeen bezala Athleticen golak... [+]

2021-06-30 | Juan Mari Arregi
San Mameseko “pastela” eta beste proiektu batzuk
“Honen guztiaren amaieran... ustelkeria orokorturik dago. San Mameseko proiektu berriak interes ekonomiko boteretsuak mugitzen ditu eta jende asko dago atzean pastelaren zati bat eramateko. Politikoek ere beren komisioak nahi dituzte eta enpresekiko morrontza dute. Eta... [+]

2021-02-18 | Marta Abiega
Are we selling the spirit of red-white to the devil?

A friend, an energetic woman committed to caring for the planet, has sent me a link: "Athletic and Petronor, the new energy. The aim of this action is to create an energy community that guarantees Athletic fans the supply of sustainable energy consumption." This agreement offers... [+]

2020-08-04 | Axier Lopez
Unai Etxeberria zigortu du Granada futbol taldeak neofaxisten presioei men eginda

Altsasuko gazteei babesa erakusteko kamiseta bat janzteagatik zigortu du Granada futbol taldeak Unai Etxeberria atezain getxoztarra. VOXek eskatutakoa bete du Granada FC-k eta diziplina-espedientea ireki dio.

2020-03-03 | Axier Lopez
Irain arrazistak errepikatuz gero, Athleticeko jokalariek zelaia utziko dutela diote

Iñaki Williams Bilboko Athleticeko aurrelariak adierazi du irain arrazistak berriro jasoz gero, jokalari guztiek zelaitik alde egingo dutela, partidua bertan behera utzita.

2020-01-27 | ARGIA
Futbol Ligak gorroto delitua egotziko die Williamsi irain arrazistak egin zizkiotenei

Espainiako Futbol Liga Profesionalak adierazi du, partidan iseka aritu ziren Espaynoleko jarraitzaileak identifikatzeko prozesua abiatu duela eta jarraitzaileei gorroto delitua leporatuko diotela.

"Txato" Nuñez
“Jokalariok, Athletic Cluba eta Real Sociedad eskutik joan ginen Santi Brouarden hilketa salatzeko”

"Txato" Nuñez (Tolosa, 1952) Laudion bizi da aspaldi. Athletic Clubeko kapitaina izan zen taldeak irabazi zuenean Liga eta Kopa azken aldiz. Gainera, lotura izan du erakundearekin urte luzez. Bere ibilbideari zein futbolari buruz mintzatu da.

Eguneraketa berriak daude