In addition to the number of unemployed workers in temporary employment regulations: 34.996. In March, the number of people in employment regulation fell by 11,598 compared to February.
Unemployment has fallen in Navarre, but it should be noted that Navarre is the territory that has evolved worst in 2020 and has 5,122 unemployed more than in March last year.
Among the unemployed registered in employment offices, the majority are women (56.2%).
Eventual contracts
12.3% of contracts concluded in March are undefined, the highest figure in recent times. However, the ELA trade union has warned that the temporary nature of contracts remains very high - almost 88% of contracts signed in March.
In the words of ELA, “a clear social agenda must be promoted to put an end to pension reforms and labour reforms. We consider it urgent to repeal labour reforms in order to recognize the right to negotiate working conditions in our countries.”
Tough blow to young workers
The LAB trade union has stressed that the people and groups already in a situation of greatest vulnerability are those who are suffering the worst consequences. “In this regard, it is worth noting the hard blow that young people have received as the most hard-pressed social sector from the employment point of view. Specifically, since the beginning of the epidemic, unemployment among young people under the age of 35 has increased by 37 per cent.”
LAB has denounced that “the structural problems of the labour market, such as the high rate of youth unemployment and the higher levels of temporality in Europe, must now be compounded by the fall in recruitment and the lack of job opportunities due to the consequences of the pandemic”.
Copenhagen, 18 December 1974 At 12 noon a ferry arrived at the port, from where a group of about 100 Santa Claus landed. They brought a gigantic geese with them. The idea was to make a kind of “Trojan Goose” and, upon reaching the city, to pull the white beard costumes... [+]
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Some of the data used to analyse employment trends over the summer have been published. Data always showing photographs that are carried out according to the classifications established by the Capital. And they've taught us their regular photo. So, the old ones. However, and if... [+]