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If you don't want to wait another 40 years

Halley (Led Silhouette). Apirilaren 12an, Gayarre antzokian (Iruñea). Argazkia: Irantzu Pastor.

29 April 2024 - 07:00
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

My generation has seen three potatoes, pandemic, all the consoles for the Play Station 5 from gameboy color and the end of the conflict. My generation was not born when Halley passed in 1986. We have not been able to see it so far. I've been at the Gayarre Theater during the premiere of the latest play by the Lesaka dance company Led Silhouette. Monumental.

The music started when the lights were on and the curtain hadn't gone up, so they've played to bring the darkness into the room. I have not seen it so far in the elegant theatres. A space being is introduced into the dungeon, it seems there's something behind the previous wall. Suddenly it gets black and green light right away: eight beings inside the room. They look like sims and move like this. Imagine a dystopian movie or Stranger things. There's a camera. And a television right on the opposite wall. They seem to have realized that the camera is going off, too. They have also shown their mistrust. At first they are independent creatures that seem increasingly intense, they become groups to realize: they come together.

Noises and noises across the wall. What's there? They try to escape. As the scenes advance, more things start to happen in the theater. The orange alarm light is bewitched. Again the emergence of space being as an astronaut. On their own they manage to open the door and a hole opens in the opposite wall. Give up or stop. The two holes are connected: multiverse, parallel worlds, black holes, mirror effect. He wants to run away but he cannot. One thing between fascination and anguish. The hole closes, and again the astronaut.

While all of them were produced onstage, the smallest sound has not been heard among viewers. Zero. The tension in the face of the explosion has invaded us all. Even the dancers' noises are very occasional, like the comet. Strong music does, but with what silence the dancers move in the most violent movements.

Halley is really spectacular in every way: even if you don't understand too much of the dance, she gives you laziness because it's long gone, she has a crazy scenography, she opens the door to another world and she's monumental as a show. The comet of the same name will go back to our sky in 2061, and I don't know if the Earth will not be destroyed. Do not wait for the almost 40 years, the chance to prove: you will see Halley de los lesakarras.

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