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Find another 160 graves in the old Barnetegi for indigenous children in Canada

  • The Panelakut tribe has made the finding on this occasion: more than 160 unidentified or documented graves, which between 1890 and 1970 brought indigenous children to power in the former boarding school in the Gulf of Canada. More than 1,100 graves have already been found in this type of boarding school.

13 July 2021 - 15:24
Last updated: 17:29

In May, 215 remains of unfound children were arrested at a school in Kamloops. In June, 751 graves were found at the Marieval boarding school in the village of Cowessess. Now it's been over 160. Over decades, thousands of indigenous children separated from their families and entered special schools to force them to internalize the traditions and customs of European colonialists. Those who were not killed by violence and sexual abuse were traumatized, as we counted in this report.

In 2015, a commission of inquiry determined that it was a cultural genocide, which was carried out in barnetegis. The Lost Babies Project has identified over 4,100 children who died in boarding schools, many of whom were buried there.

In search of liability

Controversial findings have shaken the country and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asked the Catholic Church to acknowledge his responsibility in the case.

For their part, the indigenous communities of Canada have called for the investigation of all these boarding schools in the country.

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