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Beskoitz's parents denounce the attitude of elected officials to the decision to close the ikastola

  • Olentzero has distributed coal to the elected people. The parents denounce that the Herri Etxea de Beskoitz has broken the convention with the ikastola and has not given them a solution. However, they claim that they will fight “at all costs” for the survival of the ikastola.

27 December 2023 - 09:55
Last updated: 11:05
Urriaren Urriaren 4ean, Beskoitzeko ikastolak eta Seaskak prentsaurrekoa egin zuten Herriko Etxearen jarrrera salatzeko. // Argazkia: Seaska
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The parents of Beskoitz’s ikastola have protested Tuesday morning against the mayor and elected officials and have promised that they will ensure the survival of the ikastola “at all costs”, as Berria has said. In a symbolic act, Olentzero has handed over coal to elected officials to refute the decision to leave the ikastola without land. In fact, last week the Herri Etxea de Beskoitz broke its convention with ikastola.

“While the elected officials struggle to save the rooms in all other villages, the ikastola of Beskoitz struggles for the intestine,” says the father of ikastola Clemence Labrouche. Olentzero spoke on behalf of the parents and accused the people’s elected officials of not listening to their requests: “The parents of the ikastola ask for a solution, but you have decided to condemn the ikastola.”

The parents, moreover, have criticized the elected officials who have not adapted to the needs of the community, and have stressed that the decision of the local Council was premeditated and that the promises made throughout the year have been “lies”.

The father of the children of the ikastola, Julen Jauregi, has pointed out that 51 children will fight for a ikastola. Also, the parents criticize the mayor for giving up mediation and refusing to talk to them, considering a liar.

Seaska President Peio Jorajuria stressed that the association will support the parents of Beskoitz and seek to mediate in the conflict. Parents call elected officials from all over Euskal Herria to support the ikastola of Beskoitz.

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