Last Friday, the Eskolatik plazara initiative was launched in Gernika. The project, jointly promoted by Ikastolen Elkartea and Bertsozale Elkartea, seeks to compensate for the lack of festivals and championships that have been suspended by the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, the Bertsolaris of the 2020 Basque School of Basque Herria have met the veteran Bertsolaris who work in the plazas. In this way, both in June and November, we seek an alternative to those students from the Basque Country who have been suspended.
It is through this initiative that the Bertsolaris youth and the new Bertsolaris have been brought closer to the places. Besides ensuring visibility, the aim of the programme is for the new generations to become fond of it again. The second session of the initiative, to be held on 5 February in Pamplona, also provides for a third session of the Bertsozale Kartea Association.