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Bertsos sessions are half of those prior to the pandemic

  • Bertsozale Elkartea has released data on bertsolaris plazas from the first five months of 2021. The beginning of the year has been hard for bertsolarism: in the first months of this year 60% less than the pre-pandemic sessions (in 2019) and 25% less than in 2020, considering that the beginning of last year was without a pandemic.

01 June 2021 - 10:41
Argazkia: Azkoitiko Udala.

In 2019, 366 sessions were organized in the first five months, and in 2021 only 144 sessions were organized in the same period. In any case, the reading made public by the Bertsozale Elkartea association is positive: "As of March the number of bertsolarism seats has been increasing and continues as follows: if 29 performances were held in April, 47 have been counted in May."

Festivals and special programmes

Regarding the type of session, festivals and improvised specials mainly occupy the agenda: 91.5% of the bertsos appointments. Few sessions of sociables and free plaza have been organized, that is, those that are held in the meals and those that bertsolaris perform in the street near the public without themes that allow them to follow the track.

Most sessions are organized through the company Lanku

Lanku is a company set up by Bertsozale Elkartea for self-financing, which offers local organisers the service of organising bertsolarism actions. In 2021, the proportion of sessions organized through Lanku has increased considerably: In 2019, Lanku accounted for 30% of the sessions held, and in 2021 it accounted for 45% of the total sessions.

The Bertsozale Elkartea Association has not made known the reasons for this fact, on the one hand, it may be thought that, in part, it is due to the efforts being made during the pandemic to promote the squares of Bertsozale Elkartea and Lanku, and on the other hand, that the largest number of sessions held are now organized by public institutions and those of popular initiative have been completely reduced.

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