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Bertha Gaztelumendi and Rosa Zufía, Isabel Herguera, Josu Martínez and Fermin Muguruza participate in the Basque Film Award

  • The actor Paco Sagarzazu will receive the Zinemira Prize as a recognition of his career.
'Bizkarsoro' pelikularen fotograma bat.

In the 71 edition of the San Sebastian Film Festival, nineteen works of Basque filmmakers, fifteen feature films, a half-film, a short film and two series will be projected in the following sections: Official Section, Special Performances of the Donostia Prize, Zabaltegi-Tabakalera, Made in Spain, Zinemira, Velódromo and the Galas EiTB and RTVE of the Basque Cinema.

The Official Section will feature the animated film "The Dream of the Sultana" by Isabel Herguera, candidate for the Golden Shell.

At the Basque Film Gala, the film "Arnasa Bet, women filmmakers" by directors Bertha Gaztelumendi and Rosa Zufía, based on the experiences of the Basque filmmakers.

In the Zinemira, two works by the renowned filmmaker Josu Martínez will be presented: Bizkarsoro film, composed of five real stories settled in an imaginary town, focused on the theme of linguistic rights and oppression of the Basque Country; and Mirande, also called a draft for a film, an approach to the work of the writer Jon Mirande.

In the Zinemira the last work of Fermin Muguruza will also be projected: Documentary Bidasoa 2018-2023. It focuses on the control and closure of the Bidasoa border and tells about the dramatic journey of migrants to Europe.

On the other hand, the EiTB Gala on September 27 presents the new series of fiction in Basque ETB: Itxaso. The screen will include Jon Plazaola, Nerea Mazo, Itziar Atienza, Jon Mendia and Nere Garmendia.

With regard to EiTB, ETB director Unai Iparragirre has given more details about the Hoberan platform, which will be launched in September, with almost all the contents in Basque and which, among other sections, will be dedicated to the Basque films that have participated in the San Sebastian Festival in the last decades.

Paco Sagarzazu will receive the Zinemira Prize

Donostiarra Paco Sagarzazu will receive the honorary prize for Basque film for his career. The film approached the world in 1976, with the work Balanzatxoa adapted to the cinema (first feature film shot in Basque).

Since then he has usually worked in Spanish, such as Txotx or Aupa Etxebeste! participated in films with Asier Altuna and Telmo Esnal.

Actions of the official section with subtitles in Basque

All films from the Official Section of the Festival will be offered in Basque in Kursaal. Each film will be broadcast in its original version and the Festival will offer the opportunity to see it in the three official languages, not only in Spanish and English, but also in Basque.

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