These two phrases with the same structure and the same words have a different meaning. As a result of a mischievous reading, it seems that the mind intends to play with words. The Vitorian writer wants to take advantage of these mistreated views, and that is precisely what he wants to do through the Basque Misreading exhibition: to give a sense to the mistreated.
With the collaboration of letters, texts and literature, who want to take us to another world, Eneko Ugarte is a plastic artist. Alavés shapes the exhibition. Zelaieta has reinterpreted the texts chosen and modified in an artistic sense. It has used different disciplines: black white, chromatic and three-dimensional pieces. The latter are works of art for people to touch, to come in and play.
Thanks to these works the white showcase of Oihaneder Euskararen Etxea has been colored. The walls collect creations of various forms and materials. The works are scattered throughout the space and each one has a text at the bottom.
Beyond the walls, the Berria newspapers are spread over the ground. They represent a path and lead us to a paper theater. In the middle of the room there are three-dimensional white boxes. They have blue drawings, but because they're messy, you don't know what the real picture of this artwork is, the hands of those who come up will decide what their real appearance is.
The first two interpretations of these texts, which can be understood in a very varied way, give meaning to the exhibition. However, two other artists also participate in this interdisciplinary space: Ane Gebara and Beñat Goitia. The two young creators make their reading of the texts. The storyteller has done just the opposite of Zelaieta’s reading, thus showing its virtue for the understanding of her voice. Beñat, for his part, has sent us his own interpretation through the guitar.
So the goal of these creators from Vitoria-Gasteiz is to show where our minds are when we look at what is read. Imputation of a content to what was read without amendment. They propose a different way of thinking, with a critical attitude and humor.
Photos of Dospordos:
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