The event has been the meeting place for several people: workers, former workers, advertisers and readers. Representatives of the institutions, such as the Basque Government Minister for Language Policy, Bingen Zupiria, the Director of Language Equality of Gipuzkoa, Garbiñe Mendizabal, the Mayor of Andoain, Ana Karrere and the President of the City Council, Luis Intxauspe, also participated in the session. There were also representatives of political parties; the PNV, EH Reunidos y Juntos Podemos.
The event was a chronicle of fifteen years of history and changes. “We have tried to report the events that have taken place in the Basque Country and in the world, together with the new one, explanation and analysis in many cases,” said the director Marchelo Otamendi.
The 15th Anniversary of the ‘New’ can be seen in full here:
Danele Sarriugarte Mochalesek, Kattalin Miner Perezek eta Maddi Altuna Galfarsorok jaso dute Martin Ugalde beka, Euskaldunon Egunkariak eta Berria-k genero gaietan izandako eragina ikertuko dute urtebetez.