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Berri txarrak announces a new concert tour in October

  • The Berri Txarrak group will operate in October in different gaztetxes and salons of Euskal Herria. These concerts, which until now have not been announced, are part of the band's farewell tour.

On 18 October they will play in the Burubian Cultural Association of Amurrio (21:00), on 19 in the Gaztetxe Zizpa of Baiona (21:30), on 20 in the Gaztetxe of Elorrio (20:00), on 24 in Muxikebarri de Getxo (21:00), on 25 in the Kafe Antoiya

Tickets for these concerts will be offered for sale this Sunday from 19:00. In the case of the concerts of Amurrio, Baiona and Elorrio, they can be purchased in the same place, with a maximum of two tickets per person. Tickets for other concerts can be purchased via the portal, with a maximum of four per person.

You are interested in the channel: Berri Txarrak
2021-07-21 | Hedoi Etxarte
Berri Txarrak
Kapitalismoa euskal balioekin

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2021-07-12 | Lierni Alkorta
Gorka Urbizu
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Marina Lameiro. Capture the tremor in images
"Music is vibrating, and that vibration causes another tremor in people."
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The latest concert by Berri txarrak in Beude bira
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Berri Txarrak Group Receives Adarra Award
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2019-02-14 | ARGIA
“Itzultzeko aukera irekita uzten dugu”

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Berri Txarrak-en ‘Beude’ birako sarrera guztiak, ordu eta erdian agortuta

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2019-01-15 | Castillo Suárez
For the first time

The first time I met the Berri Txarrak group was on television. They asked about the things they read and mentioned my first book of poems. I felt pride and amazement at the same time. The first time I talked to Gorka Urbizu, we were at Onki Xin, and like no, we talked about... [+]

Only goodbye
And it's already one of the main references of Basque music today. Featured authors of the soundtrack of the 40 years old. Berri t(T)xarrak are for thousands and thousands of followers. “I will look for new forms of expression,” says Gorka Urbizu, the only companion who has... [+]

Kanta berrien esperoan

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2018-12-12 | ARGIA
Berri Txarrak taldeak “etenaldi mugagabea” iragarri du

"Berri Txarrakekin ziklo ahaztezin bat ixteko garaia heldu dela sentitzen dut" idatzi du Gorka Urbizu taldeko abeslariak Berri Txarraken webgunean argitaratu den komunikatuan.

MTV-ren gola San Mamesen: garaitu eta zurera ekarri

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