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The Kabidxe area of the popular movements of Bermeo is in danger because the PNV wants to install the interpretation centre of Gaztelugatxe there.

  • The groups that meet in Kabidxe express their concern. Referring to a proposal for dialogue with the Municipal Government (PNV), they have learned through the media that they, according to the agreement reached with the City Hall in 2014, want to install the interpretation center of Gaztelugatxe in the public managed place. The press conference will be held on Friday at 18:00 in Kabidxe.

26 May 2023 - 09:52
Last updated: 13:25

The mayor of Bermeo, Aritz Abaroa, and the candidate for the mayor of the PNV, have announced that the project for the implementation of the interpretation center of Gaztelugatxe is underway in public places where the social core of Kabidxe is currently located. The Correo has emphasized that it will serve to make known "the history, natural singularity and legends and myths of one of the few places on the Basque coast".

The Kabidxe social centre is located in the centre of Bermeo, in the BBK offices in the upper square of the Casco Viejo. After being left unused due to the diminished social action of the entity, the management of the site was left to the City Hall. Therefore, in 2014 he put management in the hands of different social and cultural groups, through an agreement currently in force.

Currently, cultural and popular initiatives of Bermeo are organized in Kabidx, such as San Juan, Olentzero, Euskara Eguna, Txosnen Batzordea and meetings of numerous groups and people from the town. For example, in recent weeks the production team of the film 'Nina' by director Andrea Jaurrieta has used Kabidxe for various shooting activities.

Twenty groups that make up the collective express their concern that they see the future of the social space open to all the agents and individuals of the people in danger. In addition, they have recently announced the culmination of the participatory process through which "they have just reviewed and agreed on the systems of constitution, participation and use". They also report that the intention of the municipal government has been collected through the media, although the proposal for dialogue has been transferred to the city council.

Thus, on Friday, May 26, at 18:00, a press conference will be held in the social space itself, under the motto "S.O.S Kabidxe", to show "concern and anger". He invites Bermeo citizenship to attend.

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