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LAB denounces the "slavery" of the boat "Beti Euskal Herria" by Bermeo

  • The union denounces that the Bermeo boat will be tied. They dismiss workers who worked in a "disastrous situation", without prior information or explanations. They point out that the actions of those responsible for the Basque Country are always a reflection of the evolution of the fishing sector: Leaving the institutions with the sector and the private interest of shipowners means an increase in staff oppression

09 June 2023 - 08:14
Last updated: 09:19
Arrantzaleen egoeraren aurkako protesta (LAB)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

On 8 May, the shipowner said that they would not go out to sea without explanations. The fishermen did not understand what was going on, went to the brotherhood to seek information and there they discovered that the company had taken all the workers out of social security.

LAB complains that what happened, which did not receive notices, termination of contract, letters of dismissal, liquidation parties, compensation, or explanations of dismissal.

The dismissed fishermen worked "in an unfortunate situation," the union said. Four out of eight were without employment contracts and without social security. This is even more serious when working at sea because they do not receive the necessary safety, rescue, first aid or relief courses. These practices have become widespread in the fisheries sector in recent years, according to LAB. They say that the interests of shipowners are placed on the situation of workers and lead to situations of oppression. The crisis in the fisheries sector and the lack of institutional measures for the future of fisheries highlight the situations of domination, according to the union.

At LAB, they stressed that employers are above the law and that they use the fear of losing the work of the workers to have them in charge: “Migrants who live in precarious situations are used not to make contracts or fulfil workers’ rights.” They say that the fisheries sector is becoming the face of exploitation in the Basque Country, LAB has called to fight it and has denounced institutional racism. It considers that foreign workers are denied fundamental rights and that, in order to end "slavery" in the fisheries sector of the twenty-first century, it is essential to guarantee them.

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