As it has been known these days, the Municipality of Bergara has left without effect the urban compatibility report issued to the company Valogreene Paper BC SM because it does not coincide with the activity that the project promoters manifest in their initial documents with the activity included in the project to obtain the integrated environmental authorisation, nor with the activity that was published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country on 23 September.
At first, the Bergara City Hall gave the green light to the project, but Berria reported that at the same time they asked the Catalan consultancy Fitchner for an investigation to analyze the possible effects of the new waste treatment plant. After that comes the new decision of the City Hall.
On October 10, Ekologistak Martxan’s Piter Encinas informed citizens of what was happening to the promoters of the paper waste suit plant in the city, explaining what was really what the company announced publicly: "An incinerator in Bergara. Two weeks ago we were informed that the Basque Government had a project, which wants to install an incinerator in the Basalgo district of Bergara, through a pyrolysis system. What is the peculiarity of the pyrolysis system? Above all, the lack of oxygen in incineration, which reduces the amount of smoke. What similarity does the pyrolysis system have with other incinerations? It does not remove waste, but transforms it into coal, gas, solid or liquid waste, some harmless and others more toxic, producing heavy metals, dioxins, furans... Like all these dark projects, the first thing you see is dirty play."
Now, Ekologistak Martxan has appealed to the citizens of Bergara and surrounding areas to meet in a concentration to denounce the construction of a new incinerator.
Zero Waste Europe-k (ZWE) Espainia, Txekia eta Lituaniako hiru erraustegiri buruz argitaratu duen ikerketa berri batek egiaztatu du instalazio horien inguruetan kutsadura maila handia dagoela, eta hori arriskutsua litzateke ingurumenerako eta gertu bizi diren pertsonen... [+]
Zumarragan 2023 amaierarako eraiki nahi duten plastikoak tratatzeko plantan pirolisia erabiliko da olioa lortzeko (takoil), eta olio hori plastiko berria eta erregaiak egiteko erabiliko da. "Hondakin solidoak errez erregaia sortzen du, eta Europar Batasunaren beraren... [+]
Bergarako Udalaren webgunean irakur daiteke albistea izenburu honekin: 200 langileko kooperatiba batek Bergaratik joatea erabaki du Valogreene-k bertan ezarri nahi duelako hondakinen planta. "Paper-industriaren hondakinen tratamendurako planta Bergaran ezarri aurretik,... [+]
In these times of climate emergency when packages and hygiene products become waste, the time has come to take a step forward. In addition, we are prepared for this. In Gipuzkoa there is a company called Birzitek that in the Goierri has the ability to recycle packages and... [+]