It will donate 182.7 million euros to the temporary business association formed by Dragados, Tecsa and Amenábar, with a period of 30 months, to carry out the part of 5.21 kilometers in length.
Recently, a report published by the European Court of Auditors highlighted that the development of the AAV network would cost an average of €25 million per kilometre in Europe and considered this expenditure to be excessive. The Basque Government’s infrastructure minister, Arantza Tapia, had to explain and said that every kilometre of the Basque Y will be around 27.4 million, “we are not that far away”.
But the last assignment made by Adif does not indicate this: It will be €34.86 million per kilometre. This part will go almost completely underground with two 4.6 km tunnels that will partially puncture Mount Udalaitz.
The AAV parts of the Bergara junction are many years behind schedule. At the time they were allocated very cheaply – with a 51% discount – and the complexity of the work meant that the companies were finally rejected. The enormous cost involved in assigning the new design has now become apparent.
However, according to data provided by the Ekopol university group, the expenditure can be much higher in relation to the Basque AAV, bes. This group estimates the total cost of the 175 kilometres of the possible railway line at 10 billion euros, i.e. 57 million euros per kilometre.
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