Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Socialist Councils of the Valley of the Rhine and the Goierri present the dynamics against the toll of the motorway between Bergara and Beasain

  • The new toll on the motorway between Bergara and Beasain is another expression of the progressive and general increase in the life of the working class, as underlined by the members of both Socialist Councils. Among others, they have denounced that those directly responsible are "the international oligarchy, the local and Spanish bourgeoisie" and "each and every political party" and have called to participate in the protest and awareness initiatives they have prepared for the coming months.
Argazkia: Gedar
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 2.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

04 November 2021 - 13:24
Last updated: 14:29

On Monday, November 1, the exhibition "Peajerik ez! The Socialist Councils of Ormaiztegi (Gipuzkoa) and the counties of Goierri (Gipuzkoa) have presented at a press conference the dynamic "stop the increase in life". The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa plans to introduce at the beginning of next year a vehicle payment system on the A-636 motorway linking Beasain (Gipuzkoa) and Bergara (Gipuzkoa). Contrary to this, the Socialist Councils of both regions have begun a new dynamic, in which they have explained the details of the elaboration.

The imposition of tolls is an expression of the progressive and general increase in the life of the working class in the Basque Country. In fact, they have pointed out that in recent months some of the commodities, such as light, basic food and petrol, have become more expensive. The two Socialist Councils have warned that the new system of payments on the motorway would thus be another example.


In this context, they point out to those directly responsible: "At least the international oligarchy, the Spanish and local bourgeoisie, and each and every political party." "The PSOE and Podemos have government responsibilities in the Spanish State, just as the PNV has in the CAV. The PNV is also the main driver of the introduction of a new toll between Beasain and Bergara (Gipuzkoa). But we understand that the other parties that do not have government responsibilities are also active partners and legitimators in the process of impoverishment and increased misery of the working class. An example of this is that, for example, in the Spanish Congress, all parties voted for European Funds designed in the interests of the oligarchy," he added.

Call for action

The members of the two Socialist Councils have claimed that "the most effective and most convincing way to combat the offensive of the bourgeoisie and the new toll of its expression is to strengthen the Communist organisation and to opt for socialism". They have also appealed to join the fight "to fight against the increase in life, to reactivate class awareness, to extend the combative clamour and to increase organizational capacities".

In addition, they have announced that in the coming months "various initiatives of protest and awareness" have been organised, which will be announced shortly.

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