The following agents in defence of the Basque, Aragonese, Asturian, Galician and Catalan have previously appeared in the Congress of Deputies: Nogara, Pol Asturianu Initiative, A Mesa Pola Normalization Linguistics, Acció Cultural del País Valencià, Ciemen, Escola Valenciana, Obra Cultural Balear, Omnium, Plataforma per la Llengua and Euskalgintza Kontseilua. Both have focused on the doors of the Congress of Deputies in Madrid. In fact, in February 2020 they met with the parties and were called upon to make a commitment to the equality of languages and diversity. The result is the Bill No which is now coming to the Chamber of Members.
Council Secretary Paul Bilbao stressed that parties will have a unique opportunity to defend democracy: "The Congress of Deputies will have the opportunity to take a new step in favour of democracy. Because the essence of today's debate is there: to commit to building a more democratic, egalitarian and just society."
At the February meeting, the actors called on the parties to take steps and take steps to ensure proper and fair management of linguistic diversity in order to guarantee the linguistic rights of all citizens. For this purpose, Plurilingualism: They were presented with the document on freedom, equality and democracy, which was the basis of the Bill No that will be discussed today.
Bilbao has pointed out that the adoption of Bill No is more necessary than ever. In fact, the Spanish Government has once again turned its back on the recommendations of the Council of Europe, despite the ratification of the European Charter of Regional or Minority Languages. "This shows that structural change is needed if the state is to comply with the pact it has ratified," he added.
That is why Bilbao has assured us that "today we have to say that democracy, equality and justice are at stake". "We don't want to be second-class citizens," he added.
In the afternoon, the agents will continue the debate in common from the Congress of Deputies.
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