Around 8:30 a.m. on April 18, a woman found the corpse of a black man hanged at the back of the Azken Portu Sports Club of Irun. The Ertzaintza has taken over the investigation and confirmed that the young man has committed suicide, according to the same sources.
Two days ago, Irun’s Reception Network reported that more information was being sought about the youth, since at first it was only known that it was of Eritrean origin. During these days, the Reception Network has not been able to obtain much information: This is a young man of Eritrean origin, who was not registered in Irun, who had no residence document, who has no record of who used the reception resources and who is not aware of the Eritrean community of Irun.
The members of the network believe that this was a migrant who was on the way. In fact, it is believed that, because of its origin, its approximate age and lack of contact with its surroundings, it probably tried to reach Europe by Italy and reach Germany or France. Since Irun they have stated on more than one occasion that they would have passed to the French State, they would have been arrested and declared illegal, possibly on more than one occasion. Finally, in the face of despair, he decided to end the persecution. On many occasions, they have recalled that the persecution to which migrants are subjected ends in death.
The Reception Network is clear about the people who incite these people to death: The countries that have become gendarmes of the European Union (Morocco, Turkey, Libya…), the external borders of the EU (Greece, Italy and Spain), the internal borders of the Schengen area (France) and the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, as well as the Basque Government, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Council.
They have strongly criticised the actions of the Basque administrations and have denounced that, although they demonstrate that they want to "alleviate the consequences of racist policies of dehumanization", they are playing "a very poor role".
In addition, the Reception Network denounces that what happened to the young Eritrean is intended to be presented as “an unexpected and decontextualized fact”, instead of recognizing that death is a consequence of harmful practices against the migratory phenomenon and against people.
In this regard, they have asked the Basque Government, the Provincial Councils and the City of Irun:
1.Hildako Clarify what has happened to the young man and facilitate his identification, communication with the family and repatriation of the corpse.
2nd To promote human rights and to review the restrictive and discriminatory reception criteria affecting migrants arriving in Irun.
3. Stop hiding behind the limited competences of the border and make policy to open the racist border in Hendaia.
4. Not to consider racism, discrimination and the possibility of dying as consequences of migration.
In the event that the situation continues, they have stressed that there will be more deaths and have called to go to the concentration to be held tomorrow, Thursday, at 18:00 in St. John de Irun Square.
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