Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Encourage young people to tell stories for equality

  • In order to encourage the participation of the youngest, the short stories competition Asun Casasola created a category of its own for children from 10 to 16 years old. The competition is based on the fight against male violence and has managed to have a short story for the competition written in several schools. Now, they've released a video that encourages younger people to write for equality.

14 January 2021 - 12:08


For this competition, which has categories in Basque and Spanish, “we collect the texts from many parts of the world, and we want to encourage young Euskaldunes to participate,” explains Oihana Llorente, one of the organizers. This is the sixth edition and they have already managed to put their nose into some centers: in them, the students write stories for the competition, as the story has become a task of working in the school. “We are happy about that,” says Llorente.

After all, as explained in the presentation, the Asun Casasola Story Contest aims to turn younger generations into allies to achieve a society free of violence, creating new categories (10-16 years and over 16 years) wanting to approach young people.

With the help of the actors of the successful Go!azen series, they have just published a video inviting young people to participate: “It’s essential to take steps to achieve equality, it’s everyone’s task,” they claimed in the video.

“Free, not brave”

The work can be presented until 10 February and this year’s theme reads as follows: “Free, not brave.” They ask for writing papers on a sheet. More information, on the website of the competition.

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