The municipal government will be supported by twelve councillors and the PSN (five councillors) will support it from outside. The second mayor, Joseba Asiron, thanked all the groups and especially the PSN “for making this change possible”. It indicates that the municipal programme is based on a programme previously agreed with the PSN. He has also stated that it is an important day, the historic one, which marks the beginning of a new time of future for the city, “and that coexistence, respect for differences and the value of our diversity will be fundamental pillars”.
The government team will consist of eight delegated councillors and will develop 60 projects based on housing, coexistence and care. All these projects are based on four axes.
Red Street people
The first axis is constituted by the pillars “Equality, coexistence, diversity and care”, which groups together eighteen projects, including I. Coexistence Plan, in collaboration with the Government of Navarra; Office of Neighborhood Conflict Management (within the Municipal Police); IV Office for the Equality of Women and Men. Plan; Linguistic Normalization Plan; Comprehensive Plan for Cultural Diversity and Inclusive Citizenship; and creation of the Pamplona Care Bureau.
Special attention will also be paid to ensuring points of care for people on the street. And an ordinance will be drawn up for the democratic use of public spaces.
Housing Plan
The second axis, called “social housing, cultural facilities and a quality public space”, includes eleven projects. The implementation of the Housing Plan will be one of the most important tasks in which social protection, social renting, youth emancipation and the protection of vulnerable families will be enhanced.
The Paseo de Sarasate will be renovated, the Museum of the Basque Ball will be opened and the Monument to the Falls and the spaces of the Plaza de la Libertad will be rethought during the last legislature, in collaboration with the Government of Navarra and the associations of the historical memory.
Energy transition
The third axis, “Energy transition, sustainable mobility and urban renaturalization”, encompasses 16 projects. Examples include the following initiatives: In the 2015-2019 legislature, the permanent corridor of Pius XII Avenue, the development of the River Plan, the second phase of the Aranzadi Ecopark, the Plastic Ordinance, the Integral Mobility Plan and the planting of 25,000 new trees in the city began and was unfinished.
The fourth area is that of neighborhoods. Erripagaña stresses the commitment to a “clear and effective solution”. The new design of Marcelo Celayeta de Rochapea Avenue, the reactivation of Irunlarrea Street, the creation of Neighborhood Councils and the remodeling of Santa Ana Plaza del Casco Viejo will be channeled. Fifteen other actions are being implemented in this area.
The signed agreement also provides for a Monitoring Commission, which will meet quarterly, or in case of emergency at the request of the Mayor or a municipal group.
Governance structure
EH Bildu will manage six areas of the new municipal government: Finance and Human Resources (Garbiñe Bueno); Strategic Government, Urbanism and Housing (Joxe Abaurrea); Department of Culture, Parties and Education (Maider Beloki); Habitable and Sustainable City (Borja Izagirre); Equality (Zaloa Basabe); and Citizen Security and Coexistence.
Koldo Martínez de Geroa Bai will manage the Economic Promotion, Innovation and European Projection, and With you Txema Mauleon de Navarra will manage the Social Work. There shall also be two Special Councillors: Aitziber Campion, from EH Bildu, will be in charge of Citizen Participation and the Basque Country, and Mikel Armendariz, from Geroa Bai, Innovation and Development Cooperation.
Fortified UPN
Since the motion of censure was announced, UPN has shown a very aggressive attitude to the opposition’s decision and has announced that it will not facilitate the government’s transition with some movements. It has also moved this attitude to areas beyond the City Hall. For example, it has decided to leave the Navarra Federation of Municipalities and Councils and create its own association of elected municipalities. Also in the Parliament of Navarra the UPN parliamentarians did not attend the end of the year farewell held this Thursday.
33/2013 Foru Legeari Xedapen gehigarri bat gehitu zaio datozen aldaketak gauzatu ahal izateko, eta horren bidez ahalbidetzen da “erregimen frankistaren garaipenaren gorespenezkoak gertatzen diren zati sinbolikoak erretiratzea eta kupularen barnealdeko margolanak... [+]
When the allies won in World War II, they stressed the need to give public and exemplary punishment to the Nazis. They organized an international trial in which four judges punished the Nazi leaders. That trial was unprecedented. Among other things, because it was a linguistic... [+]
We do not forget the experience of 28 December in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona.
As often happens when events of great meaning and emotion occur, being a subject – the change of mayor of Pamplona, a motion censorship – the sub-themes are many. It goes without... [+]