At the same time, an important group of residents wanted to intervene in the issue of hiring a doctor, and at a meeting held in the People's House they gave their arguments. The text was written in Basque so that all citizens could understand it. Taberna and Santazilia investigate what is contained in the document, in a study published by the Real Academia de la Lengua.
In this video we collect a summary of the research work.
And here is the report that ARGIA published on the subject in June 2019, written by Mikel Taberna himself.
Urriaren 26an Iruña-Veleia Argitu, ez suntsitu jardunaldian Zenbat esku daude Iruña-Veleian aurkitutako ostraken testuetan? ponentzia aurkeztu zuen Joseba Lizeagak
“It’s been 18 years since some 400 graffiti appeared on the excavation, 16 years since he was expelled from the excavation camp of Lurmen without scientific evidence and 4 years since the trial was held without clarifying the subject, we can say that we continue to... [+]
Today, all the hierarchies that have been built in our world are the result of a process of global colonization. These global hierarchies of domination are formed by other more specific intertwined hierarchies, that is, classical, ethnic, aesthetic and even linguistic. What we... [+]
In June 18 years ago we started to get to know the paintings of Iruña Veleia. Good news for the Basques.
But the current situation is not so satisfactory. On the one hand, the Provincial Council of Álava (DFA) says that all graphites are false, and that those who think... [+]
As we have known, Joaquín Gorrochategui has been awarded the Euskadi Research Award 2023. SOS Asturias-Veleia hereby expresses its disagreement and discomfort. In our opinion, the deplorable role played by the professor in the Asturias-Veleia case leaves out the merits he can... [+]