On 29 March 2023, the young American journalist Ewan Gerxkovitx, who was then in charge of the Wall Street Journal media group, was arrested by the branch of the Russian FSB’s contradiction in Jecaterinburg, Russia. Accusation, espionage. Since 1986, before Ewan was born, it was not in Russia that an American journalist had been charged with it.
In addition to the WSJ, the major media in the West went into the platoon to reaffirm Ewan's innocence and, on the reverse, Putin's malice. In exchange for a poor boy, it was a trick to liberate an evil gunman who in the West would be a pinch. Or so that the chaos that the war in Ukraine has brought about in Russia is not known. Or ...
The White House and the Secretary of State also went on to denounce the injustice of the detention in Gerxkovitxe. But the Russian authorities decided that the crime had been hit. And the courts in Moscow have repeatedly extended their pre-trial detention. The moratorium would hardly have been due to the need to investigate anything, since all that needs to be investigated is often very well worked out in advance. It may therefore be reasonable to suspect that that greater than one year has been to give the opportunity to some sort of exchange or similar. The other part, the United States, however, does not seem to have shown great interest.
The case of Gerxkovich was the last time that Tucker Carlson spoke among us in the famous interview with Putin. Some smelled that the Russian authority suggested an exchange. I was struck by another nuance: Putin, who has experience in this profession and has authority to hear the case’s instructions, accused Ewan of “espionage” and being caught in fragante... but did not deny what Carlson said, which denied his espionary character. Curious.
The fact is that the Russian judges have terminated the extensions and have already given diligence to their trial. Accusation, inter alia, of having captured that Armata carried over the classified documents of the company Uralvagonzavod, the producer of the most modern Russian tank. It can be sanctioned at 20 years. But a year ago, disaster is silence among us.
Unfortunately, I would say no. He fell into a “hook operation” more classic than the classic... because he was probably a poor journalist walking down. These scrolls may one day light up.
But if the CIA, or the TIA, had given a minimum spy formation, it would have smelled that when they put him on a date in Jecaterinburg, he was getting a big trap. Because it's not an omnipresent sale, let alone Nizhny Tagil.
And I would know where the U2 from Gary Powers was shot down on May 1, 1960. Or the name of who's wearing that Uralvagonzavod workshop.
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The three names that appear in the title of this article do not match the reality of the people so called. Marc Hernàndez Pons, Dani Hernàndez Pons and Ramón Martínez Hernàndez were the false identities attributed by the Ministry of the Interior to three agents of the... [+]