On Monday, about a hundred people concentrated on the portico of Itzulbaltzeta to represent the "massive bendeja". A week earlier, the Municipal Police had required a garbage dump that did not have "municipal permission" to stay on site. The baserritarra had been selling vegetables of this time for several days, as is usual in the elaboration of the "bendeja".
In addition to showing its support for the baserritarra, the initiative aimed to denounce the attitude of the City of Getxo, which supports the "commercial centers that develop mass consumption, sick food and individualistic social models" while disseminating a discourse in favor of a "responsible and healthy" diet. Thus, they have warned that they will continue to explore other avenues beyond self-consumption groups, such as the "sporadic market" of the Romo-Itzulbaltzeta. They have also announced their intention to continue with the massive blessing on Monday.
In this week’s tray has also been the baserritarra affected by the Municipal Police and explained to Hiruka.eus that seasonal vegetables are sold in a short time so producers like him do not want to enter a regulation, so he has asked the Municipal Police to “leave him alone”.
Martxoaren 10etik 26ra izango da udaberriko kanpaina. 'Beste modura, denona de onura' lelopean arituko dira gertuko ekoizpena, banaketa eta kontsumoa babestu eta sustatzeko, ager zonaldean euskara hauspotzen duten bitartean. Apirila amaieratik aurrera jasoko dira... [+]
Euskal Herriko bi muturretatik datoz Itziar (Bilbo, 1982) eta Ekaitz (Erriberri, 2002), sortzen ari den Burujabetzaren Aldeko Mugimenduaren berri ematera. Euskal Herrian diren burujabetza prozesu ugariak arloz arlo bultzatu eta indartu nahi ditu BAMek. Lan horretan hasteko,... [+]
Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.