The sports club Elorsoro de Oiartzun has hosted the second semi-final of the Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa on 24 November. All tickets have been exhausted and the sports club has been filled. The following six bertsolaris participated:
Beñat Gaztelumendi Arandia
Iñigo Mantzizidor Larrañaga
Alaia Martin Etxebeste
Amaia Iturriotz Etxaniz
Asier Azpiroz Iztueta
Ane Labaka Mayoz
After winning the semi-final, Gaztelumendi has scored 506 points and achieved the direct pass to the grand final of the Copa del Rey. These were the scores obtained by bertsolaris in today’s session:
Beñat Gaztelumendi Arandia…..506
Alaia Martin Etxebeste………………… 493,5
Ane Labaka Mayoz………………..472,5
Asier Azpiroz Iztueta…………………….463
Iñigo Mantzizidor Larrañaga…..453
Amaia Iturriotz Etxaniz……………………. 438
Inaxio Usarralde Arantzadi has been the host. The Qualifying Tribunal shall consist of: Aitor Gereñu Agirre, Eneritz Azkue Basurko, Leire Beloki Lizarralde, Mikel Lersundi Ayestaran and Mikel Urteaga Azkue. Gorka Segurola Dorronsoro and Silvia Etxaniz Alberdi participated in the secretariat.
Ekialdera begira jarri ditugu gaurkoan POTTO saioaren mikroak. Gipuzkoako Bertsolari txapelketa abian da aspaldian eta, azken fasean sartuta dugun honetan, 5 final laurdenak aztertu ditugu.