The Basque Government Security Adviser, Estefanía Beltrán de Heredia, appeared this Wednesday in the Basque Parliament to explain the Cabacas case at the request of EH Bildu. The Ertzaintza has stated that “he has learned from mistakes so that nothing similar happens”. The Ertzaintza, for its part, has carried out a profound internal process that has resulted in an improvement.
“The needs of society are constantly changing and the Ertzaintza is obliged to make improvements, that is, to adapt the way to act,” said the Security Minister. In addition, he has assured that no rubber balls have been released since the death of Cabacas. In this sense, he has highlighted the "desire for improvement" that the Ertzaintza has for making "self-criticism".
A few days after the ruling was heard, the head of the Ertzaintza, Jorge Aldekoa, resigned to the Supreme. When the murder of Iñigo Cabacas occurred, he was responsible for the Ertzaintza police station in Bilbao and had to testify in the case. The Security Council has applauded Aldekoa's attitude, "recognizing that it has not been done well" and has therefore resigned. In an interview with Radio Euskadi, Beltrán de Heredia stated that he would not resign from the office, claiming that he took office after the murder of Cabacas.
Lies and half-lies
EH Bildu accuses Beltrán de Heredia of placing "obstacles" to the investigation of the murder of Cabacas, as the information submitted by the Department is "absolutely false". The Security Council has accused the Abertzale coalition of wanting to "distort" information and using "half-truths." He has asked EH Bildu to take steps towards "a scenario of coexistence, dialogue and political normalization" in the Basque Country.
The parents of Cabacas followed with lawyer Jone Gorizelaia the session in the Basque Parliament from a room adjacent to his own. Manu Cabacas accused Beltrán de Heredia of "lying" for denying the evidence to the judge and not having cooperated with the justice in the Nóos case.
Abenduaren 15ean Ertzaintzak artxibatu egin zuen Cabacasen hilketari buruzko barne ikerketa, eta gurasoek gutun batean adierazi dute “harridura eta atsekabea” eragin ziela erabakiak. Josu Erkoreka Jaurlaritzako Segurtasun sailburuari leporatu diote euren samina... [+]
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Segurtasun sailburu Josu Erkorekak azaldu duenez, sei auzipetuei ezin zaie ardura diziplinariorik eskatu, haietako bost (Juan José de Pablo 'Ugarteko' ertzainburua tartean) jada ez direlako funtzionarioak, eta seigarrenak, tiro egiteko agindua... [+]
Iñigo Cabasen heriotzagatik kondenatutako ertzainak ez du kartzelara sartu behar izango, baina lau urteko inhabilitazioa ezarri dio Bizkaiko Lurralde Auzitegiko epaimahaiak.