There are some changes, but not so obvious and innovative: Pello Otxandiano will not be director of programs, but spokesperson of the CAV parliamentary group, and Arkaitz Rodríguez will no longer be secretary of sortu, third after Arnaldo Otegi, to guide EH Bildu's political strategy towards political, social and institutional action.
In the proposal of the current political table of EH Bildu, the coalition has pointed out that "countries are well represented", women are more than men and the average age is 47 years. "Youth is there; a new generation will take on new responsibilities," said Otegi in an interview with Naiz Irratia: "There are many transformations to be done, but all of that hangs in the national project, in which the national project is going to be put at the center."
The current political table of EH Bildu has presented the following list:
At the beginning of the month he did III. Congress in Pamplona. It is said to be the “ordinary congress” that serves to draw “non-ordinary conclusions”, or at least that is how they have received Zutunik in the paper, proposed by the leadership and unanimously approved... [+]
Bizkaian eta Gipuzkoan egin bezala, EAEko estatus politiko berriak Euskal Herria nazio gisa aitortzea eta erabakitzeko eskubidea jasotzea eskatu dute Arabako Batzar Nagusietan alderdi abertzaleek.
The Dual sculpture, placed on Ijentea Street, was inaugurated on May 31, 2014 in tribute to the 400 Donostiarras executed by the Franco regime during the coup d'état of 36 and the subsequent war. It was an emotional act, simple, but full of meaning. There they were relatives and... [+]
«Gatazkaren konponbidean baliagarria izango delakoan» EH Bilduko Lantalde Feministak egindako hausnarketa plazaratu du Arma Plazan. Igor Enparan alkateari «Jaizkibel konpainiak bakarrik betetzen duen legea betearazten hasteko, eta Alarde bakarra, guztiona eta... [+]