The author of the photographs, Moní Molinet, has told several proposed men and others around him that the reactions have been very diverse: that they are males and that the decoration with flowers is a woman's thing. Others, for their part, have accepted the proposal and “have demonstrated, even symbolically, that they are willing to change the construction of masculinity,” says Molinet.
In the photographer's words, we must encourage reflection and debate about the social construction of gender roles and masculinity, begin to rewrite the boundary of femininity that assumes masculinity, and the masculinity that accepts femininity. “Jeopardizing toxic and oppressive masculinity is fundamental to bringing us closer to more equitable and healthy relationships.”
The experiment has been carried out in Cuba with the objective of analyzing perceptions and limitations of masculinity. To imagine what would happen in Euskal Herria would be good at understanding where our perceptions and our limitations are, conscious and unconscious.
Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.
Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.
With the excuse of an act that I am not going to mention here, an intimate friend gave me the plant The Love of Man (Tradescantia fluminensis), because it seemed to him the most appropriate plant to give to a vollera. We put it on a shelf in the house, next to the giant plant... [+]
October 2 is International Non-Violence Day. It can't be a Nonviolence Day, if I don't know if we could do something beyond breathing. Non-violence for a single day would be a tsunami for the system. The journalist Danilo Albin recalls the celebration in the news about the war in... [+]
Maskulinitateen lanketan ematen den profil honen inguruko hausnarketa egin dute Hiruki Larroxako kideek.
Bi mutil kantinera atera dira aurten, Donostiako haurren danborradan. Aitzindari izan dira, lehen aldia baita mutilak kantinera gisa ikusi dituguna, jaietan ere hain zurrun erreproduzitzen diren genero rolak apurtuz eta maskulinitate tradizionala desafiatuz.
I threw the stone and held my hand: when I talked about the average life of the individual, which is about 80 years old, I said that men's life was always smaller, citing one of the main causes that I think can be: harmful masculinity. In other words, besides biological factors,... [+]