After two years, on Monday the bridge of Irun Avenue, pedestrian walkway, which connects Gipuzkoa and Lapurdi has been opened. Around 06:00 in the morning, the French Government staff began removing the fence from January 2021, raising it and the mayors of both towns celebrated the "achievement" by hand.
It did not last for 24 hours, but on Tuesday morning they closed the walk again between the two localities. The Tour de France passed Monday afternoon from Irun to Hendaia on the Avenue bridge, during which time it remained open to the public. But once cyclists have entered the French administration, the barrier has been closed.
Migrante eta iheslari guztientzat bide seguruak eta erregulazioa eskatu dituzte Trintxerpe eta Donostia batu dituen Arrazakeriaren eta Xenofobiaren Aurkako 25. martxak.
Pairatu jazarpen hau dela eta, haien "harridura" eta "mina" nabarmendu dute Etorkinekin elkartasun sarekoek. Migratzaileak laguntzen segituko dutela argi utzi du Ipar Euskal Herriko kolektiboak.
Irun eta Hendaia arteko mugen hestearekin, Afrikatik heldu migranteentzat bereziki gaitz da mugaren zeharkatzea.