A group of parents from the public school Julián María Espinal Olcoz de Mendigorría began in 2015 to claim the right of their children to study in Basque. The Observatory says in the note that, despite the requests of the parents, they have not managed to get the Model D started and that the Government of Navarra does not envisage its future implementation.
The director of the Observatory, Agurne Gaubeka, has underlined the importance of learning Basque in the people: “As in all Navarre, in villages as small as Mendigorria it is vital that for the future children can learn Basque in the town, even more in the same town, as in Mendigorria, being a center with adequate facilities”. Gaubeka pointed out that this is not just the request of a group of Mendigorría's fathers and mothers and pointed out the situation throughout Navarre: “We are not only talking about the demand of some parents, but also about the rights of the children of different localities in Navarre and the cultural and socio-linguistic model of these peoples, and it is clear that the current Navarro legal framework does not give the necessary support to support them.”
The Observatory notes that, in addition to infringing the educational rights of children, this situation creates serious problems for families, as they take children out of the village to learn Basque. In addition to the family, Gaubeka hopes that the people will also suffer the consequences, at least in terms of sociolinguistics and the cultural model.
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