Recently, the Basque Country Women’s Feminist Encounters* Abertzales de Euskal Herria were held on November 16 in Laudio. Under the slogan ‘Feminist Transition in All Dimensions’, 500 feminists met. They dreamed throughout the day to draw the path to utopias and fill the members of the movement with illusion.
What assessment have you made?
The assessment on Saturday was very positive. We have not yet sat down to make a quiet assessment, but the impression is that we have achieved the objectives. People were very happy. We gathered around 500 people in Llodio (Álava). The goal of this year's encounters was to do something different from previous encounters, to do a speculative exercise, so that people would come out with illusion, with new ideas. We wanted to revive the illusion through another way of thinking or an exercise.
Because it was reading, that lately we have feelings of disorientation, fear and fear, that in the face of the panorama we have, it is difficult to act with illusion. We take advantage of the day to do so.
We were very pleased with the morning round table. [Mirene Begiristain, Txefi Roco, Jule Goikoetxea and Amaia Pérez Orozco]. Each spoke of their own experiences and knowledge and many keys were extracted. People stayed with them.
The afternoon exercise, for many people, was very different. It was a speculative exercise: imagine Euskal Herria in 2054. It was up to each one to reflect on a dimension, to reflect on a concrete theme. Many times, when we think about the future, we stay on more general things: in the future we will be able to have a more communal life, we will have all public institutions… But the exercise was not that way. The questions were as follows: What will it be in everyday life? How is society going to be organized? How do we organize ourselves? It was an exercise in landing general ideas. Very fun things came out.
Have you mentioned illusioning? Is movement down?
It's hard to talk about movement in general. In society there are these sensations [disorientation, fear, fear...]. The feminist movement also lives in that context, and those sensations come to the movement. Two years ago, at Oñati's meetings we said that the pandemic left the feminist movement and also many popular movements very weakened. It is true, however, that in two years it has had an upward trend. Surely it is still necessary for the movement to be in its strongest moments, but gradually we are growing. A year ago, we went on a general feminist strike, and a strike like this doesn't go ahead if there's no strong movement.
Can it further explain speculative exercise?
In the exercise it was taken into account that although utopia is far away [exercised in the face of 2054], we need a feminist transition, and we must also design that path in order to gradually reach the goal. We said: In 2054 we will not be able to materialize all those “stones” that were proposed on Saturday, but twenty years ago we also thought some things to change the current situation, and we have achieved some and others not. Twenty years ago, I'm sure we've made changes to a lot of things thanks to the feminist movement. The more they get out of Saturday's proposals, the better. It is necessary to think of the maximum utopias in order to draw the paths to reach them.
Exercise has served us to make people think, and if you're thinking you already have the illusion and the desire. Or at least impatience.
Euskal Herriko Bilgune Feministak deituta elkarretaratzea egin dute Hernanin Iratxe Sorzabali elkartasuna adierazi eta "babes osoa" emateko. Inkomunikatuta egon zen uneak berriz ere epailearen aurrean kontatu behar izatea, "bizi izandakoak utzitako ondorioen... [+]
On March 8, the Feminist Movement of the Basque Country announced a strike in favor of the public care system for the fall, as care cannot remain business. Now, through the streets, through the neighborhoods, through the villages, you have to articulate the movement of that... [+]
Hogei urte beteko ditu aurten Bilgune Feministak, eta urtemugaren ospakizunari merezi duen tokia egin diote urteko eginbeharren zerrendan. 20 urtez paradisuak erretzen... Eztandak dardara gaitzala lelopean, datozen hilabeteetan hainbat herritan ospakizun ekimenak egiteko asmoa... [+]