Since July 2022, they have been investigating the three Urruñeses who were detained on 21 March, according to Fernand Perret, a member of the association with the Bidasoa Immigrants. He was one of the detainees, along with his wife and sister. That afternoon they left them free. On Saturday they meet in Baiona to denounce Darmanin’s immigration bill, border closures and three arrests. There he testified, according to Kazeta.
According to the member of the association with Bidasoa Immigrant, the three were arrested in the house of Urruña and examined their two houses without notice. "We disappeared." They spent almost all day in the police station and several people concentrated in front of it.
Nine months of investigation
There has been no movement overnight. Perreta explains that an investigation into detainees began nine months ago. "The infringement, support for entry into France, circulation and detection of an irregular stay in the organised group, and participation in a group of criminals with a view to committing a crime" were the grounds for investigation. Since then, they spy on them in a particular way, listen to the phone and put GPS on their cars.
The investigation began with the belief that the migrants took to Dolores the host area, hoping that this movement would be made pay. Bidasoa Immigrant member has once denied that he has helped a migrant cross the border. "I've brought home to eat with us, sometimes they've stayed at home, and I've given everyone some money to buy a bus ticket to get to their destination." He denounces that the purpose of the arrests is to harm the association with Bidasoa Immigrant and "to try to question our honesty and the legal character of our acts".
Darmanin Immigration Bill
The French Senate is today hosting a debate on the French Government’s immigration bill. On Saturday's mobilization, protesters opposed the law. The law aims to "control immigration" and "improve integration", according to the government. To this end, the Government has expressed its intention to "better enforce" the expulsion orders of immigrants from France. Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, has expressed his intention to "expel delinquent immigrants" from France and "help those who come to work".
Gasteizko Errotako (Koroatze) auzoan izan diren manifestazio "anonimoek" kolokan jarri dute auzokoen arteko elkarbizitza. Azalera atera dituzte ere hauetan parte hartu duten partidu politiko batzuen eta beste kide batzuen izaera faxista eta arrazista.
I started to mentally write my article while I was in the car. I usually have the best ideas in the car while driving alone. I'm going to Bilbao, to the Arriaga theater. The Artedrama company is today staging the Miñan play. It's Friday, October 25.
Approaching the atrium of the... [+]
Unfortunately, we are well separated from travelling and migrating. In the case of migrations, the process does not end either when reaching the intended locality, or when obtaining permission to reside in another town, it can take many years of their lives, decades, until they... [+]
"Segurtasun gehiago, inmigrazio gutxiago". Bruno Retailleau barne ministro frantsesa argi mintzatu da, kargua hartu berritan. Etorkinen gaineko kontrola azkartu nahi du Michel Barnier lehen ministro eskuindar-kontserbadorearen gobernuak, eta jada Retailleauk aitzinatu... [+]
She is a mother of Peru and could not start learning Euskera from scratch, as we have read in the newspapers (it was a lie): here perhaps yes, because here the city council guarantees that right (Hernani). If he comes to me at the end of the course (as they have come to me),... [+]