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The workers of a school in Bilbao have been without pay for almost a year, after a vulture fund bought the building

  • They have denounced that the private fund Scientia has bought the San Pedro Apostle school in Bilbao and has deteriorated the rights of workers and the quality of education. The workers have been without pay for nine months and have criticised the lack of intervention by the Basque Government.

Bilboko San Pedro Apostol ikastetxea ixteko arriskuan. Irakasleak borrokan.

19 December 2024 - 17:34
Last updated: 10:03

The Mexican company Scintia purchased the school in the course of 2022-2023, but one of the employees informed ARGIA that on the same day he resold the building to a real estate developer. According to the worker, the strategy of the Scientia fund is clear: buying centers, spending resources and selling the building. The Carmelo de Donostia-San Sebastián and other centers in Madrid are closed in a similar situation, so the Bilbaíno Center can follow the same path.

The Basque Government has taken the decision not to renew the concert due to irregularities, according to El Correo in a statement. As a concerted centre, they have pointed out that the wages of most workers depended on the government and that the situation is becoming "increasingly serious".

The company, on the other hand, has sent reassuring messages to workers and families, and ensures that the problem is going to be solved. Apparently, the Colegio El Carmelo de Donostia-San Sebastián which has bought the same company is already in the process of buying by the Basque Government and with this transaction Scientia argues that money will be obtained to pay the debt.

The workers have, however, denounced that so far they have only been "empty words" and that economic problems have only increased. The Basque Government has begun the process of suspending the educational concert and closing the center, with the aim of relocating students in other centers. However, the workers complain that, if the Government had intervened otherwise, the current situation could have been avoided. Radio Nervión states that, in the midst of the closure process, workers and families have been left unprotected and that the whole community is “damaged”.

Despite ongoing mobilizations, workers have explained that the community is still uninformed and that the situation continues to deteriorate. Workers and families are calling on the Basque Government to shoulder its responsibilities to face speculation and protect the quality of education.

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