Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Start cutting trees in Donostia to build the new Basque Culinary Center

  • SOS Manteo has denounced that trees have begun to be felled on Monday morning. According to the neighbors, the neighbors were ordered not to affect the trees on the sidewalk of Avenida de Navarra. They are calling to join the protest on Tuesday afternoon.

23 January 2024 - 10:20
Last updated: 12:43

Last week, land movements began for the construction of the new BCC in the area of Manteo in San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa) and eighteen trees on the sidewalk of Avenida de Navarra have already been cut this Monday. SOS Manteo explains that “without any guarantee” the works related to the vegetation of the plot and adjacent areas have been launched and requests explanations from the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián. According to the Association, “cutting trees was outside the scope of the works”.

The Association has stressed that “reduction” has been initiated and that since the submission of the project, both neighbours and associations have expressed their concern and opposition. SOS Manteo explains that BCC will continue to protest the closure of the new building and together with the neighbours they have scheduled for the next few days a week in favor of the Manthe-Zemoria park.

On Tuesday afternoon at 19:00, a mobilization from the Okendo House of Culture to the City Hall has been called. On Wednesday, at 19:00 a.m., an information meeting is announced to remember the historical background and to make the current situation known. Finally, the plenary session is convened on Thursday at 12:00.

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