The BBVA Black Book (BBVA Black Book), published by the editorial Txalaparta, is one of the books that did not appear due to the coronavirus. Its author is the Catalan journalist Oriol Malló Vilaplana (Barcelona, 1967), who shows the insides of the BBVA Bank, “from its origin to its current global expansion”, explained the editorial.
“This is an enlightening journey through the sewers of the system, which completes an exhaustive analysis of the economic context of the banking giant, and which, in short, becomes a chronicle of the evolution of Basque and Spanish capitalism”, reads at the back of the book.
The book was to be publicly presented in June, but due to the delays caused by the pandemic, the dates have had to be delayed. The presentation will take place on Thursday, September 10 at the FNAC store in Bilbao, from 18:00.
Martxoaren 29an ospatuko dute irratiaren 40. urteurrena, musika, literatura eta tailerrak bilduko dituen Txapa Egunarekin.
Karlos Zurutuza (Donostia, 1971), kazetari ezaguna da ARGIAko irakurlearentzat, elkarrizketa eta erreportaje ugari egin baititu aldizkari honetan. Atzerriko gatazka guneetako bizipenak ekarri ohi ditu berarekin: Kurdistan, Balutxistan, Iran... hamaika leku landu ditu, batez ere... [+]
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Vietnam, February 7, 1965. The U.S. Air Force first used napalma against the civilian population. It was not the first time that gelatinous gasoline was used. It began to be launched with bombs during World War II and, in Vietnam itself, it was used during the Indochina War in... [+]
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