BBVA has earned 1.846 million euros in the first quarter, 39.4% more than last year in this period. According to data published by the National Securities Market Commission, in the Spanish State it has earned EUR 541 million, 9.5% less than last year, as the new tax on banks has amounted to EUR 225 million.
The Bank has its registered office in Bilbao and its operational headquarters in Madrid. It is one of the most powerful banks in the world, with presence in the markets of Spain, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Uruguay and Turkey mainly. From January to March, Mexico is the country that has earned the most, 54% of the total. Spain (23%) and Turkey (12%) follow Mexico.
Frankismoa ez zela 1975ean amaitu diktadoreak ohean azken hatsa eman zuenean, hori badakigu. Erregimenaren haziek bizirik iraun zuten poliziaren tortura ziegetan, justizia auzitegien sumarioetan eta militarren zein politikarien deklarazio kolpistetan –Aznarrek azkenaldian... [+]
2019an BBVAren Akziodunen Batzarra gauzatzen ari zen bitartean egindako protesta baten harira, sei pertsona identifikatu zituen Ertzaintzak, eta mozal legea aplikatuz horiei isuna jartzea proposatu zuen. Sei kideetako bat absolbitu du berriki Gasteizko epaile batek, ekintzari... [+]