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Ernai denounces the working conditions of BBK Live workers

  • The buses of the festival have stopped and have dyed paint to one of them to reject the working conditions of their workers. They also wanted to denounce the city model that underpins these types of initiatives.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

17 July 2019 - 09:14

Last weekend the BBK Live festival was held in Bilbao. In recent weeks there has been a debate on the working conditions of the young people who work in the centre.

The ERNAI members of Bilbao have stopped the festival buses during the weekend and one of them has been painted with a stintor. In the banner, disseminated by the City Hall, you could read the message "Last Tour, the house of auxiliary exploiters". In addition to the situation of the BBK Live workers, they have denounced "the city model that promotes the festival itself": "It is clear that this alliance between Aburto and capital is one of the main reasons for the precariousness of young people in Bilbao," he added.

Young people have appealed to join efforts in favor of another city model, "a dignified city that contributes to independence, socialism and feminism".

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