As every year, the BBK Live festival will be held again this year in Bilbao, from Thursday to Sunday, with free admission. On the eve of the festival, the assembly of precarious young people of Bilbao Eragin alerted through a campaign about the poor working conditions of the workers at the festivals competition of the company Last Tour, which organizes the festival. However, the Assembly announced on Monday that Last Tour had threatened them with the complaint, thus eliminating the publications made as part of the campaign.
Despite the obstacles, Eragin stressed that they would continue to denounce the job insecurity experienced in the Basque Country in recent years. Said and done: These are messages that have been sent via Twitter by people who have worked for a company that receives 1,400,000 euros from the City Council of Bilbao for the celebration of the festival. The poor working conditions that can be read in the messages are many and the list is on the rise. Eragin has called the workers and ex-workers of the Bilbao BBK Live to denounce bad working conditions and has extended its email address to that end.
At the beginning of the thread that Eragin has put in place to accommodate the complaints, the reader can find the regulations that extend to the employees who will work as waiters on the bar: “It’s forbidden to accept the tips,” he says in bold. He follows the message of last year from one of those who worked at the festival, denouncing that they forced him to work more than eight hours against his will: “[as far as workers are concerned] were short on the Saturday, the last day of the festival, and I was forced to work fourteen hours, although I told them that I didn’t want to get overtime and that I wanted to leave.” Another says he heard the director of Last Tour talk about it being a salaried to earn EUR 7 per hour.
A person who worked at the festival through a Valencian company has also made his contribution, emphasizing that he drew attention to a lot of “immature” workers of age. In addition, he has reported his experience of having performed uninterrupted work activities of twelve hours and rest, of which the company gave him nothing to eat or drink, and that they gave him the whole festival claiming the contract and at the end they asked him the current account saying that they could not make a contract. He has denounced that, three months late, he was paid EUR 3.45 per hour of service.
There are also those who will work on this year’s edition. One of them refers to the meeting held with employers to explain the working conditions and explains that this meeting has distributed 10-hour, 12-hour and 17-hour shifts among workers. “We have been told that if the inspector comes we have an eight-hour full-time contract,” he added.
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