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Women's Hip-hop Festival to be held on 9 November in Bilbao

  • On 9 November, starting at 17:30 a.m., the hip-hop festival will be held in which women are protagonists. The festival has brought together women artists with a renowned track record in the field of hip-hop and rap.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

18 October 2024 - 07:00

This initiative emerged in 2015 with two main objectives: To publicize the cultural initiatives of the Ibaiondo District and to promote the work, presence and visibility of women under hip-hop.

Today she receives many female artists at the state level. This year will be Annekdotas, Syla, Eskarnia, Carmen Xía, Unity and Basatitiak. In addition, Raquel and Aixiba Koroma will offer a Dance Masterclass before musical performances begin. As if it were not enough, you will be able to enjoy the Eva Den XL Muralism Exposition.

Tickets can be purchased in advance for 12 euros on the website or on the day of the event, in exchange for 15 euros in the lockers. The Dance Masterclass will be free and will start at 17:30 hours, before the musical performances that will then start at 18:30 hours.

In-depth artists

ANNEKDOTAS: He's a Navarro musician. It has mostly rap as a musical base, but there are also influences of trap, dembow or reggaeton.

SYLA: Hip-hop artist from Alicante and one of the most powerful female benchmarks of state hip-hop. Syla, one of the participants of the first edition of Baztan-Festa, returns this year to celebrate its tenth anniversary.

SCARRING: He is a Malaysian singer and actress. This versatility has enabled him to develop a new way of doing rap. Mixing music, poetry and theater.

CARMEN XÍA It presents a deep and round rap that merges Cadiz music, culture and modernity. Drink your sounds from Andalusian, flamenco, hip-hop and electronic folklore.

WILD: It's a group of women artists from the Basque Country. They mix different musical styles like rap, dancehall, reggae and electronics.

UNITY: Moving the flag of sorority and empowerment, they want to give visibility to the women of this patriarchal world. They have been pioneers in various styles and continue to be part of the history of music from their cities throughout the minority language community.

CL EVA: The Bilbaíno artist, considered an artist of the Villa, has painted murals in countries such as Morocco, Brazil, Palestine, France, Egypt, the United Kingdom or Norway. She has focused part of her work on women activists and feminists.

RAKEL KOROMA / AIXIBA KOROMA: Raquel Koroma, also known as Dancing Princess, is a dancer and choreographer with roots from Sierra Leone. Aixiba is the mother of the dancer Koroma, who is succeeding in the world of reggae/dancehall.

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