Two elects from EH Bildu and Independents have not participated in the vote. Initially, the Independents of the Noble Valley and Baztan University were in favor of the project, but the citizenship of Sara and Zugarramurdi, after calling protests, discussing with the group’s elected officials on the subject with the baztans and knowing the ground where the new road would be built, decided to refuse. This is a new track access to the Arxuria collado, which would be used by Bidasoa Arxuria Group, which offers the possibility of paragliding and delta wing.
The topic has sparked a debate between the parties, as we will notice the project through the news published on the web. Geroa Bai, for example, has denounced that after rejecting the Arxuri project, the only victim will be Baztan; EH Bildu de Baztan has accused Geroa Bai of lying in Arxuri’s press release; and has expressed the abstention of the With You Baztan group.
Aroztegia proiektuaren kontrako protesta baketsuetan parte hartzeagatik ezarritako zigorrari aurre egiteko diru-bilketa abiaraziko dutela iragarri du herri kolektiboak.
Erdizko meategiaren kontrako plataforma herritarrak aldarrikapen eta besta eguna antolatu du joan den larunbatean Elizondon. Heldu diren asteetan epaiketa ukanen dute Magnesitas Navarra enpresaren kontra. Hain zuzen, auziak eraginen dituen gastuei buru egiteko sustengu... [+]