A group of activists has hindered the work of the machinery of the controversial Baztan Aroztegi project. The entrepreneurs wanted to highlight "the negative impacts this macro-project will have on the region", according to the organizers. In the small town of Lekaroz it is intended to build a golf course, a luxury hotel and an urbanization of 226 homes. Since the project was announced, protests by citizens and some public institutions have been ongoing.
You have received images of the initiative Ahotsa.infok:
Carpentry... And then what? Baztan's platform and Gazte Asanblada have reported in a press release that "Aroztegia is a crushing project with the aim of eradicating our environment, our language, our culture and our lifestyle" and have pointed out that "villages of Lekaroz, the whole Baztan Valley and different agents of Navarra" have often opposed the project. They denounce the "tax attitude" of the Government of Navarra in favour of companies seeking "speculation and fraud", over and above the "right to decide" of citizenship. They have therefore called on all Basque citizens to participate in the mobilizations that will be convened in the coming days "for our land, our language, our culture and our way of life".
Hotel Palacio de Arozteguía Baztan Curio Collection
Salvador Urbistondo, advisor to Sabadell Bank and entrepreneur of the Aroztegia project. Next to a hotel of 126 rooms and four stars, it will feature an urbanization of 226 homes, golf course, fitness area, pool, spa-weelnnes area and a gardening school. Promoters have suggested that this is an offer aimed at "high-level" tourists.
Ilbeltzeko igande goiz batez jo dugu Baztanera. Eguzkiak oraindik ez du Lekarozko plaza argitu; bertan elkartu gara Garbiñe Elizegi Narbarte, Itziar Torres Letona eta Ernesto Prat Urzainkirekin. Itzaletan hotz egiten du eta umorez goxatu dugu lehen agurra, hogei urtean... [+]
The argument of a syllogism has three propositions, the last of which is necessarily deduced from the other two. It is with this deductive logic that I can analyze, for me, the long and traumatic socioecological conflict in Carpinteria that is taking place in Navarre.
The... [+]
Aroztegia proiektuaren kontrako protesta baketsuetan parte hartzeagatik ezarritako zigorrari aurre egiteko diru-bilketa abiaraziko dutela iragarri du herri kolektiboak.