The New People’s Front wanted to respond with the motion of censure to the many measures announced this Wednesday by François Bayrou, and at first it seemed that the PS was also going to join its coalitions, but ultimately it did not.
Supporters of the motions of censure got 131 votes, far from the 288 that they would need to move forward. The PS, which was presented in the NFP coalition, has 61 members and four of them. The sum of all these elements was not possible, but, in general, this situation reflects the profound differences in the ways in which insubordinate France and the PS are opposed.
Initially, the PS also had to support the motion of censure, but Bayrou’s promises have made him change his mind. Apparently, the key to the amendment of the pension law presented by Bayrou the previous day is the road PS.
The Prime Minister has promised you that if the social partners fail to reach an agreement, and they will not get it, they will present a new bill. There was also a great debate among the Socialists about what had to be done in the motion of censure, and in the end it was imposed not to support.
Dufo and Etxaniz advocate for the motion of censure
Members Peio Dufau and Iñaki Etxaniz voted in favour of the motion of censure tabled by the NFP, although the two are members of the Socialist Group in the House. Peio Dufau is the representative of the Abertzale left in the NFP and Etxaniz is a member of the Socialist Party of the Basque Country. Dufau pointed out in the social network X that three reasons prompted him to support the motion of censure: on the one hand, to take account of the electoral results – which NFP won – on the other hand, to be against the reform of the rhetoric presented by Bayrou and, finally, to oppose the reforms that have been announced, because with them the distribution of wealth will be in the hands of less.
Bayrou came to head the government in December, after a motion of censure suspended former Prime Minister Michel Barnier in office.
Two weeks ago, the financing of the French radio stations was at issue, as the French Ministry of Culture intended to reduce subsidies to local associations by 35%. At that time, there were about 200 associations in the labour market, including Euskal Irratiak of Iparralde.
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Laborantza lizeoetan tokiko hizkuntzetako irakaskuntza sailen sortzea eztabaidatua izan da frantses legebiltzarrean. Legearen zuzenketa proposatu du Iñaki Etxaniz legebiltzarkideak.