The Bajo is the degree required to guarantee the completion of secondary studies in the French state and to be able to pursue higher studies. In the Northern Basque Country, written exams begin on Monday on the way to the title. And in accordance with the proclamation of the years, this year several students will also claim the right to take exams in Basque, reminding them that the law offers the possibility to do so.
According to Seaska, for another year “students will be forbidden to pass the exam in Basque”. The Ministry of Education is also of the same opinion, since “although steps have been taken to carry out studies in Basque through the Public Body of the Basque Language”, they have not shown the will to change the current situation.
When they come together, they will also ask for a solution. The expected increase in the number of students for the next academic year leaves 25 teachers missing, according to Seaska. The Federation of Schools adds that “the proposal of the Ministry of Education is far from that amount”.
Jean Michel Blanquer Frantziako Hezkuntza ministroak jakinarazi du baxoan eta lizeoan aldaketa nabarmenak egingo dituztela. 2021era arte jarri du epea aldaketak indarrean jartzeko.
Ipar Euskal Herriko ikasleek hasi dituzte baxoko azterketak. Oraindik, ordea, ez dute guztia euskaraz egiteko aukerarik, eta "Aitzina pausoa, euskaraz baxoa!" lelopean elkarretaratzea egin dute Angeluko Sainte-Anne lizeoaren aurrean lehen azterketa egunean, ekainaren... [+]