The Government will continue its examination of Bavaro, despite the incidents that occur during the pandemic in order to be able to carry out the course. Throughout the country, protests against this decision have taken place and in recent weeks several students from Ipar Euskal Herria have also starred in mobilizations.
The schools and colleges of Ipar Euskal Herria returned to the classrooms on 3 May. In the schools they have returned in person and in the schools they have a “hybrid” teaching, that is, alternately half of the students per classroom and the rest per house.
On the same day, students from the Ravel of Cassin de Baiona and the Ravel of San Juan de Luz Lyceans Union of UNL protested for keeping the tests low. This Monday, however, protests have taken place at the Liceo Bernat Etxepare. The French Minister of Education, Jean Michel Blanquer, announced at a press conference that the tests will be continued: “Our goal is to provide students with the most normal possible conditions.”
However, the students consider that the continuous evaluation is more appropriate for the 2021 low grade. Students have denounced that they do not agree with the government’s decision and that inequality is occurring.
In addition, every year the students of Seaska have a new claim of the low: to be able to take the exam in Basque. Today you can only do History and Geography and Mathematics in Basque and all the others in French. That is why students, teachers and parents of the ikastola make protests every year. The corrections to the tests are also carried out in Pau, so that they are corrected by French teachers.
Last week, students who oppose the low classroom test carried out blockages in schools in Ipar Euskal Herria such as Cassin or Ravel. The protest was held this morning at the Liceo Bernat Etxepare in the Basque capital.
— Maite Ubiria (@Amor_Ubiria) May 10, 2021
Seaskak, Etxepare Lizeoak eta Baxoa Euskaraz! Ikasle kolektiboak deituta, 12:00etan egingo da elkarretaratzea Baionako René Cassin lizeo aurrean.
Jean Michel Blanquer Frantziako Hezkuntza ministroak jakinarazi du baxoan eta lizeoan aldaketa nabarmenak egingo dituztela. 2021era arte jarri du epea aldaketak indarrean jartzeko.
Ipar Euskal Herriko ikasleek hasi dituzte baxoko azterketak. Oraindik, ordea, ez dute guztia euskaraz egiteko aukerarik, eta "Aitzina pausoa, euskaraz baxoa!" lelopean elkarretaratzea egin dute Angeluko Sainte-Anne lizeoaren aurrean lehen azterketa egunean, ekainaren... [+]