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For a unique educational model that unites us

  • It is the one that develops skills to facilitate real integration, social and employment inclusion.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

We are workers in the education community, members of the centers of models A and B that we are or have been working on. We are here today because we are concerned about the future of our students. We do not see that we are achieving the socialisation and Euskaldunisation that they must have.

On the occasion of the Education Act, we would like to think twice about the amendment of the PNV and the PSE to maintain linguistic models and we would like to invite you to reflect.

We will start by talking about what is included in the section “Diversity and inclusion” of the Department of Education’s website: “Social changes require permanent adaptation of the educational system. Education in the 21st century has to do much more than transmit knowledge. Indeed, it must develop capacities to facilitate the personal integration, social and labour integration of the new generations in a changing social context.”

In his work for the Basque Government, Xavier Bonal, sociologist and expert in school segregation, states that great school segregation occurs mainly in models A and B. The profiles of the students of model A are very different in the private and in the public; in the first one the students of high socioeconomic and cultural level are concentrated and there are practically no immigrants; in the second, they are of low level and almost all are immigrants. From the reading of the data, many researchers conclude that models A and B are “catalytic elements of segregation”.

In addition to “physical” segregation, models A and B also generate linguistic and cultural segregation as they deny the knowledge of the Basque Country and the Basque culture.

We see it in our daily lives. Model A does not guarantee the integration of students in Basque society. In addition, the truth is that in public schools, for example, it seems to be used to reject a specific typology of students. In fact, many students go to a center that does not belong to them by themselves (in many cases they have almost an hour of travel from the home to reach the center) or the corresponding centers allocate them to models A, with the excuse that “by necessity” of them.

Do all students have the same opportunities and means to ensure such integration, social and labor inclusion? And to obtain the required output profile in each subject? And to reach the development of the capabilities mentioned above?

We think not! If we look at these words well, we see that those that are said and done do not match. Linguistic models lead us in the opposite direction; instead of integrating, they segregate. This hinders their integration as a person and may hinder their future employment. Therefore, more than building bridges, it is clear that model A limits socialization.

In addition to “physical” segregation, models A and B also generate linguistic and cultural segregation, insofar as they deny the knowledge of the Basque Country and the Basque culture. A student in model A will not achieve the level of exit he needs with the Basque school hours received at the center, that is, at the end of the ESO he will not have level B2 of Euskera. A student who receives less than 100 hours of Basque per year will not be able to access it. That is not what we say, that we all know that, including the Basque Government. At least since 2006, they conducted a study that showed it. Can we talk about integration, inclusion, cohesion or equality without the knowledge of the Basque Country and the Basque culture?

In the parliamentary debate on the adoption of the law, some experts and experts, in classrooms, in schools, in the direct work with students, have said these things over and over again. It does little to be the “most participative law” if you ignore everything heard at the last minute and go in the opposite direction by turning 180 degrees. It would be a great irresponsibility, knowing all that linguistic models influence, to choose to keep them. We must not forget, under any circumstances, that the future of our people is at stake, because today’s pupils are the citizens who will be carrying out this country tomorrow.

We need a new educational model that ensures genuine integration of all socio-economic or cultural levels. We need an educational model that brings us together, unites us, doesn't distribute or is capable. To ensure communication capacity in our official languages, to help understand our culture, our society and our way of life. We are still in time to create a framework law that will help to achieve this and we want to do so.

Personnel of the educational community who are or have been working on models A and B in educational centers in Vitoria, Laguardia, Oyón, Elciego, Bilbao, Erandio, Barakaldo, Leioa or Donostia:

Aintzane Marin Mercero

Alazne Tajadura López

Alba García del Río

Ana Ochoa de Zuazola

Ekaitz Gabirondo Zelaia

Ekaitz Zabaleta de la Gala

Estibaliz Velasco González

Felipe Zelaieta Txurruka

Haizea Ramírez de Alda Pozueta

Ibone Aldekoa Aldai

Iñaki Aguirre Elorza

Íñigo Guenechea

Iratxe Blanco

Talud Iraitz Garmendia

Itziar Irigoien Elizetxe

Jone Lauzirika

Larraitz Mendizabal Alzelai

Maialen Aulestia Gorostola

Maider Arrangi Herrera

Maitane Nerekan Umaran

D. Manu Atxaerandio Alesanco

Markel Eizagirre

Markel Uriarte Ortega

Martín Alkorta Querejeta

Mikel Leunda

Watch Madariaga Tubet

Nahikari Rye Lizarazu

Oihana Cabello Elorriaga

Oihana Urien Ubillos

Patxi Ibarzabal

Session González Madariaga

Sonia Gómez Barriocanal

Unai Rodriguez Sarriegui

Unai Ruiz de Viñaspre

Xabier Sagarna Perez

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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