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Batu Elkarlaguntza Network is created to provide "a comprehensive response" to social problems

  • In addition to Arrankudiaga, the network will operate in Arrigorriaga, Basauri, Galdakao, San Miguel, Zaratamo, Ugao and Zeberio. Housing and food will be the main lines of the project.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

25 June 2020 - 08:19
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Batu Elkarlaguntza Sarea Network has been created by neighbours of Arrankudiaga, along with others from Arrigorriaga, Basauri, Galdakao, San Miguel, Zaratamo, Ugao and Zeberio. The initiative, which will affect all these municipalities, will aim to provide a "comprehensive response" to the social problems that arise.

“The class structure, patriarchy and racism are, in our view, the basis of current social problems. Therefore, overcoming them is the way to overcome social injustice,” the members of the network explained. However, as they have pointed out, "they have their feet on the ground." “We are as clear where we are as where we are going; we start from the current context.”

In this sense, they will work to “improve the living conditions of citizens on the road to the construction of a new world”. They have also called for the "political autonomy" of the Network, but they do not rule out the possibility of establishing relations of all kinds with institutions and political parties.

Working groups will work on two main lines: food and housing. “There will also be a group of women in the network with the objective of incorporating the feminist perspective in all the work done,” they have announced. There will also be two other groups on the network. One will deal with training and the other with communication.

Invitation to participate

Project drivers invite to participate in the network: “If you would like to work with the network because you experience any of the problems we have mentioned or because you share our objectives, please contact us via the number 654821486 or the address”

Social networks (@batuelkar) and the web ( have also been launched.

Batasuna members believe that “dark times” are coming: “At this time when we were assimilating the coup of the 2008 crisis, we are facing a new crisis and experience has taught us who pays the compensation, the working people.” In this regard, they have stressed that the only path is the organization, “because only the people can save the people”.

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