Iruin has assured that the final judgment of the Supreme Court runs counter to those given by Strasbourg and the Supreme Court itself before its judgment. He assured him that he was "surprised" by the "poor" legal quality of the judgment: “This poor legal quality is a logical consequence of the difficulty of maintaining a legally unsustainable position.”
The lawyer has announced that he will go to the Spanish Constitutional Court and the Council of Ministers of the European Commission in defence of the defendants in the Bateragune case. From there, more initiatives are planned, but it has not given more details about them. The defendants shall lodge an application for amparo before the Constitutional Court (TC). The main argument will be that a basic legal principle has been violated: the impossibility of being tried twice for the same offence. Iruin takes the view that the Constitutional Court will administer the appeal and urge the House not to hold a trial until its appeal is resolved.
At European level, the appeal shall be lodged with the Council of Ministers of the European Commission (EC). The Council of Ministers is examining whether the Member States are carrying out the Strasbourg judgments against them. Iruin admitted that this framework has a clear "political" character, but he explained that after that he can call back at the door of Strasbourg.
Here is the full appearance of Iñigo Iruin:
Bizkaian eta Gipuzkoan egin bezala, EAEko estatus politiko berriak Euskal Herria nazio gisa aitortzea eta erabakitzeko eskubidea jasotzea eskatu dute Arabako Batzar Nagusietan alderdi abertzaleek.
The Dual sculpture, placed on Ijentea Street, was inaugurated on May 31, 2014 in tribute to the 400 Donostiarras executed by the Franco regime during the coup d'état of 36 and the subsequent war. It was an emotional act, simple, but full of meaning. There they were relatives and... [+]
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