“It’s a little weird for a biologist to make an illustrated children’s album,” explains Sanz Azkue in the book’s presentation. Anyway, this is not the first time he writes fiction stories, as in previous years he also presented himself to a couple of literary contests, and in one of them he received a prize. “Baiz is a person who likes to work different things. Why not make a little story?”
He wrote a story related to mythology, he tested it on the children of the house and decided not to leave the work he did on a file on his computer. “I saw perfectly that if someone had to make illustrations, that was Ainara.”
According to Azpiazu, the proposal came to him just as he had just delivered a series of works for the Museum of the Witches of Zugarramurdi. “Here’s where Iñaki sends me a text related to the basajaun. I said: ‘Jo Iñaki, I just handed over the designs of some characters, including Basajaun; and the choice I see now to do this is to introduce it to Ainhoa. See if it goes ahead.’ It was a kind of carambola, from there it arises.”
The protagonist of the story is a child named Myeltxo. Myeltxo and the bunch of grass he does with his grandfather. And also a owl that's nearby. Each of these characters in the story will have different meanings throughout the story, in a special publication dealing with our relationship with nature, transmission and the mysteries of life.
They've wanted to make an open story, with creative possibilities for the little ones. “Some may say in reading it that this is a story of tales of an era,” explains Sanz Azkue. “For me one of the main challenges of the book has been that one character was three characters at a time: when to do one, when to do another, when not to do one or the other... you cannot do everything and my difficulties have been there, because if everything has been given too much in sight, I will take away the magic to the story.”
Saran egingo da urriaren 11 eta 12an, eta aurtengoa laugarren edizioa izango da.
-It was an ordinary afternoon. For anglerfish.” This evening is what Maite Mutuberria tells us in this album. The book has very few texts and the images tell us very well the development of history.
From the beginning we can see in the illustrations a large and quiet... [+]
The one who approaches this book, first of all, will be with G. It meets the images of Mabire. They are comic style images, very accurate strokes and celestial experiences that help to easily interpret characters and situations. These images coincide with the text, which is... [+]
Human beings are so many narrative stories that the narrative capacity that you can say is one of the characteristics that makes us human. We need stories to build ourselves and reality, with special emphasis on the function of classic stories, or on the particular but timeless... [+]
On Sunday morning we read a story by Tolstoi, reading, in Basque: “How much land does a man need?” And he knows the drawings of Elena Odriozola because he saw them in the adventures of Gulliver, he enjoys the thread of the Tales. Then he gets into discotheque, often, and... [+]
When our son started reading at school, we looked for books of his age. The French Sami et Julie font des crêpes (“Samik and Julie fabrican matahamis”), E. Massonaud and T. Bontéren's work. As soon as we read the title and know the back cover (“a short, ridiculous and... [+]